The BMW 3 Series Coupe combines discerning elegance with dynamic sports performance. Its athletic character is perfectly expressed by the stunning new straight six-cylinder twin turbo petrol engine in the 335i.

BMW 3 Series Coupe
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It’s the proportions that make the BMW 3 Series Coupe look exquisitely dynamic. The exterior design is conditioned by surfaces and lines which flow from the focussed front into the flat rear end and impart an impression of stretched dynamism. The shoulder line and the swage line extend across the entire length of the vehicle, underscoring the characteristic, sleek coupe look.

BMW 3 Series Coupe combines elegance

BMW 3 Series Coupe sports performance

BMW 3 Series Coupe twin turbo petrol engine

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BMW 335i photo gallery

BMW 335i exterior design

BMW 335i sleek coupe

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Image tags: bmmw 3, hmw 3, bhmw 3, bmaw 3, bmd 3, bmws 3, gbmw 3.
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