
Vote for Lia Vassi in Zoo Weekly's Radio Babes

Vote for Lia Vassi in Zoo Weekly's Radio Babes

Source: Zoo Weekly

While we are in such a voting mood another one of our favorite motorsport babes has made it another such competition. This time for Zoo Weekly's Hottest Radio Babes.

Go here to vote for Lia Vassi

Lia looked hot as at the last round of the V8 Supercars at Eastern Creek in the Armor All Girls kit. Here is some pics from

She also starred at the track earlier this year as a Kanga Girl at the Wakefield Park round of the V8 Utes. Not surprisingly the second pic below of her butt has been one of the most popular pics on this site!

Christina Halkiopoulos In This Year FHM Girl Next Door Comp Too

Christina Halkiopoulos In This Year FHM Girl Next Door Comp Too

Source: AdelaideNow

Here is another great reason to head over to the FHM website and vote in the Girl Next Door Comp. Many times Clipsal 500 Grid Girl and a member of this years Clipsal 500 Bikini Parade squad, Christina Halkiopoulos is in the running for it too. Be quick! There is only 2 weeks of voting left!

Vote for Christina Halkiopoulos here

Here is some of the pics I took of her in said Bikini Parade.

And here is some pics I took of her as a Clipsal 500 Grid Girl at last years event.

And some of you may also remember her from this Aquaflo advert. There was a lot of controversy about her Bouncing Boobs being sexist so it got plenty of airtime on Today Tonight etc! You can download a HQ version of it over at Aussies Exposed or just check out the YouTube version right here.


Amy Sutton On Today Tonight 08 June 07 Video

Source: YouTube

Here is a little highlights package I put together of Amy's appearance on Today Tonight.

Amy Sutton On Today Tonight 08 June 07 Caps

Amy Sutton On Today Tonight 08 June 07 Caps

Source: Today Tonight Channel 7 Adelaide

I spotted a pic of Amy Sutton in this gold dress on AdelaideNow recently and was meaning to do a post on it until I caught this story on Amy on Today Tonight last night and was quick enough to fire up the capture card in the PC. Here is some still captures from the story and I will be uploading a video to YouTube shortly so keep an eye out for it.

Just incase you are wondering what the hell this has to do with motorsport babes Amy won last year Adelaide Miss Autosalon and starred in this year Clipsal 500 Bikini Parades. Check out my pics of her can be found here.
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